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Attach column of weights to a table of unweighted source-target links. If calculating equal fractional weights, uses distinct from-to pairs. The resultant weighted links can be verified or coerced into xmap.


add_weights_unit(df, weights_into = "weights")

add_weights_equal(df, from, to, weights_into = "weights")

add_weights_prop(df, from, to, prop, weights_into = "weights")



a data frame-like object with at least two columns


character string naming new column to store link weights in

from, to

Columns in x specifying the source and target nodes


numeric column containing reference values to calculate fractional weights from. Weights are calculated as prop/sum(prop) where the sum is calculated separately for each set of links coming out of a given from node.


df with additional column of weights


  • add_weights_unit(): Attach column of unit weights (i.e. ones)

  • add_weights_equal(): Attach equal fractional weights by from group

  • add_weights_prop(): Attach weights by from group using proportion reference prop


# simple unit weights
AUS_pairs <- list(AUS = c("NSW", "QLD", "SA", "TAS", "VIC", "WA", "ACT", "NT")) |>
  as_pairs_from_named(names_to = "ctr", values_to = "state")
AUS_pairs |>
  add_weights_unit(weights_into = "weights")
#> # A tibble: 8 × 3
#>   ctr   state weights
#>   <chr> <chr>   <dbl>
#> 1 AUS   NSW         1
#> 2 AUS   QLD         1
#> 3 AUS   SA          1
#> 4 AUS   TAS         1
#> 5 AUS   VIC         1
#> 6 AUS   WA          1
#> 7 AUS   ACT         1
#> 8 AUS   NT          1

# fractional weights
animal_pairs <- list(
  MAMM = c("elephant", "whale", "monkey"),
  REPT = c("lizard", "turtle"),
  CRUS = c("crab")
) |>
  as_pairs_from_named("class", "animal")
animal_pairs |>
  add_weights_equal(from = class, to = animal)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#>   class animal   weights
#>   <chr> <chr>      <dbl>
#> 1 MAMM  elephant   0.333
#> 2 MAMM  whale      0.333
#> 3 MAMM  monkey     0.333
#> 4 REPT  lizard     0.5  
#> 5 REPT  turtle     0.5  
#> 6 CRUS  crab       1    

# proportional weights
  recipe = c(rep("cake", 4), rep("pasta", 2)),
  ingredients = c(c("flour", "sugar", "eggs", "milk"), c("flour", "water")),
  grams = c(c(500, 250, 200, 250), c(250, 150))
) |>
  add_weights_prop(recipe, ingredients, grams)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#>   recipe ingredients grams weights
#>   <chr>  <chr>       <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1 cake   flour         500   0.417
#> 2 cake   sugar         250   0.208
#> 3 cake   eggs          200   0.167
#> 4 cake   milk          250   0.208
#> 5 pasta  flour         250   0.625
#> 6 pasta  water         150   0.375