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Convert named vectors or nested lists into a two-column table of node pairs and vice versa. as_pairs_from_named extracts the vector or list element names and the values, unnesting where necessary. pairs_to_named_vector extracts name-value pairs from column pairs as is, whilst pairs_to_named_list() nests the values first.


as_pairs_from_named(x, names_to = "name", values_to = "value")

pairs_to_named_vector(df, names_from = name, values_from = value)

pairs_to_named_list(df, names_from = name, values_from = value)



a Named vector or list. Lists values are flattened via unlist().

names_to, values_to

character vector specify the new columns to pass the information in x into.


a data frame-like object with at least two columns

names_from, values_from

two columns in x to convert to names and values


  • For as_pairs_from_named(): a two-column tibble

  • For pairs_to_named fncs: named vector or list


  • as_pairs_from_named(): Convert named vector or nested list into column pairs

  • pairs_to_named_vector(): Convert column pairs to named vector

  • pairs_to_named_list(): Convert column pairs to nested named list


# Coerce named vectors and list to column pairs

veg_vec <- c(eggplant = "aubergine", zucchini = "courgette")
as_pairs_from_named(veg_vec, "au_eng", "uk_eng")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#>   au_eng   uk_eng   
#>   <chr>    <chr>    
#> 1 eggplant aubergine
#> 2 zucchini courgette

animal_list <- list(
  MAMM = c("elephant", "whale", "monkey"),
  REPT = c("lizard", "turtle"),
  CRUS = c("crab")
as_pairs_from_named(animal_list, "class", "animal")
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   class animal  
#>   <chr> <chr>   
#> 1 MAMM  elephant
#> 2 MAMM  whale   
#> 3 MAMM  monkey  
#> 4 REPT  lizard  
#> 5 REPT  turtle  
#> 6 CRUS  crab    

# Convert pairs back to named vector and lists
veg_from_pairs <- as_pairs_from_named(veg_vec) |>
  pairs_to_named_vector(names_from = name, values_from = value)
identical(veg_vec, veg_from_pairs)
#> [1] TRUE

animal_from_pairs <- as_pairs_from_named(animal_list, "class", "animal") |>
  pairs_to_named_list(names_from = class, values_from = animal)
identical(animal_list, animal_from_pairs)
#> [1] TRUE